Valentina Luridiana


Valentina Luridiana is a freelance translator specializing in the fields of pharma, medicine and chemistry. Her initial background is in physics and she worked as a professional astronomer for over a decade before steering her career path towards translation in 2016. She holds a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (Spain) and master's degrees in Medical and Health Translation from the University Jaume I (Spain) and Biomedicine from the University of La Laguna (Spain). She is also a sworn interpreter-translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Valentina is a professional member of Asetrad (Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes), Tremédica (Asociación Internacional de Traductores y Redactores de Medicina y Ciencias Afines), AITI (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) and EMWA, and is the current president of Tremédica since 2023.