Artificial Intelligence: Pharma view

11:10 AM - 11:35 AM

The possibilities that AI offers to the pharmaceutical industry are immense. AI can help accelerate innovation, boost efficiency, and expedite drug, vaccine, and device delivery to those in need. However, the responsible and ethical use of AI demands an ethics-by-design approach, proactive risk management, and robust governance to oversee and address issues. The need of the hour is a human-centric, human-driven, AI-supported/assisted approach. Moreover, relying solely on rules-based decision-making may not be adequate to navigate grey areas as rules cannot provide answers to all emerging ethical questions. A values-based decision-making process rooted in strong ethical principles is critical. Communication, training, and education are important aspects of developing workforce capabilities to ensure ethical and responsible use of AI. This will help individuals hold themselves accountable with confidence. Moreover, investing in a culture of research ethics will equip individuals with the necessary skills and capabilities for success. Provided that there is robust human governance and oversight, AI can be a valuable friend to the pharmaceutical industry. It can help the industry to achieve its goals faster and more efficiently through right and smart risk taking, while ensuring that ethical principles are upheld.